- 2023 — current: PhD in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) under the Academic Excellence Program (Proex).
- 2022 — 2023: MSc in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Funded by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement) under the Academic Excellence Program (Proex).
- Dissertation: Predição de transtorno bipolar e desfechos funcionais em adultos jovens: um acompanhamento de cinco anos (English translation: Predicting bipolar disorder and functional outcomes in young adults: a five-year follow-up).
- Dissertation defense: Virtual session recording
- 2016 — 2021: BSc in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Pelotas, Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
- Funded by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) with Scientific Initiation scholarship.
- Final paper was published as an open access article at Psychiatry Research Communications.
- 2013 — 2015: Technical Course in Computer Science, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul, Ibirubá, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Publications and preprints
Subcutaneous ketamine reduces suicide risk and improves functioning in depression: a proof-of-concept study. Anzolin AP, Baldez DP, Montezano BB, Kapczinski F, Abreu PB, Kauer-Santanna M. Article published at the Psychiatry Research. 2024.
The role of parental stress on emotional and behavioral problems in offspring: a systematic review with meta-analysis. Ribas LH, Montezano BB, Nieves M, Kampmann LB, Jansen K. Article accepted at Jornal de Pediatria. 2024.
Exploring protective factors in a high-risk subsample: the pivotal role of paternal support in preventing depression in a cohort of young adults. Tietbohl-Santos B, Montezano BB, Cardoso TA, Mondin TC, Moreira FP, Souza LDM, Silva RA, Kapczinski F, Jansen K, Passos IC. Article accepted at Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. 2024.
Protective factors against depression in high-risk children and adolescents: a systematic review of longitudinal studies. Tietbohl-Santos B, Shintani AO, Montezano BB, Biazin P, Signori GM, Pulice R, Vecchia GFD, Bebber JC, Noronha LT, Passos IC. Article accepted at the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024.
Perinatal factors as risk factors of bipolar disorder onset in young adulthood: a 22-year birth cohort. Gnielka V, Montezano BB, Baldez DP, Shintani AO, Rabelo-da-Ponte FD, Menezes AMB, Wehrmeister FC, Gonçalves H, Kunz M, Kauer-Sant’Anna M, Watts D, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Article accepted at the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2024.
Early exposure to cannabis and bipolar disorder incidence: Findings from a 22-year birth cohort study in Brazil. Jorge ACR, Montezano BB, Aguiar KR, Noronha LT, Baldez DP, Watts D, Menezes AMB, Wehrmeister F, Gonçalves H, Kunz M, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Article published at Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 2024.1
Autophagy-based antidepressants?. Kapczinski F, Montezano BB, Nardi AE, Lledo PM, Katsimpardi L. Editorial published at the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023.
Latent bipolar disorder. Kapczinski F, Montezano BB, Cardoso TA. Correspondence published at The Lancet. 2023.
Validity and Reliability of the Brazilian Version of the Cognitive Reserve Assessment Scale in Health (CRASH). Bücker J, Amoretti S, Vieta E, Czepielewski L, Scheibe DB, Montezano BB, Goularte JF, Rosa AR. Brief Report accepted at the Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry. 2023.
Predicting bipolar disorder incidence in young adults using gradient boosting: a 5-year follow-up study. Montezano BB, Gnielka V, Shintani AO, Aguiar KR, Roza TH, Cardoso TA, Souza LDM, Moreira FP, Silva RA, Mondin TC, Jansen K, Passos IC. Preprint at MedRxiv. 2023.
Associations between general sleep quality and measures of functioning and cognition in subjects recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Montezano BB, Cardoso TA, Souza LDM, Moreira FP, Mondin TC, Silva RA, Jansen K. Article published at Psychiatry Research Communications. 2023.
Validation of the Brazilian version of the Processes of Change Questionnaire in Weight Management in adults with overweight and obesity in Brazil. Carvalho Q, Ziani PR, Montezano BB, Goularte JF, Rosa AR. Preprint at MedRxiv. 2023.
Predictors of illicit substance abuse/dependence during young adulthood: A machine learning approach. Rakovski C, Ballester PL, Montezano BB, Souza LDM, Jansen K, Silva RA, Mondin TC, Moreira FP, De Boni RB, Frey BN, Kapczinski F, Cardoso TA. Article published in Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2023.
Predicting 3-year persistent or recurrent major depressive episode using machine learning techniques. Fialho AR, Montezano BB, Ballester PL, Cardoso TA, Mondin TC, Moreira FP, Souza LDM, Silva RA, Jansen K. Article published in Psychiatry Research Communications. 2022.
Personality disorders as predictors for the conversion from major depressive disorder to bipolar disorder: A prospective cohort study. Ávila GB, Montezano BB, Souza LDM, Cardoso TA, Silva RA, Mondin TC, Moreira FP, Jansen K. Article published in Psychiatry Research Communications. 2022.
Sleep alterations as a predictor of bipolar disorder among offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Aguiar KR, Cabelleira MD, Montezano BB, Jansen K, Cardoso TA. Article published in Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. 2022.
Predicting functional impairment in euthymic patients with mood disorder: A 5-year follow-up. Aguiar KR, Montezano BB, Feiten JG, Watts D, Zimerman A, Mondin TC, Silva RA, Souza LDM, Kapczinski F, Cardoso TA, Jansen K, Passos, IC. Article published in Psychiatry Research. 2023.
Book chapters
O uso da inteligência artificial para identificar doenças psiquiátricas. Montezano BB, Vecchia GFD, Lorenzoni IC, Passos IC. Chapter of the book Psiquiatria Digital published by Artmed. 2024.
Predição de risco de suicídio utilizando técnicas de inteligência artificial. Roza TH, Montezano BB, Antonelli-Salgado T, Passos IC. Chapter of the book Psiquiatria Digital published by Artmed. 2024.
The Dawn of Digital Psychiatry. Zimerman A, Montezano BB, Vecchia GFD, Kapczinski F, Passos IC. Chapter of the book Digital Mental Health published by Springer Nature. 2023.
Suicídio. Shintani AO, Salgado TA, Aguiar, KR, Roza TH, Lorenzoni IC, Montezano BB, Passos IC. Chapter of the book Psicofármacos: consulta rápida published by Artmed. 2023.
Relação entre abuso e dependência de substância e transtorno bipolar em uma amostra comunitária de jovens. Montezano BB, Jansen K, Cardoso TA, Souza LDM, Silva RA, Mondin TC. Chapter of the book Psicologia: Identidade Profissional e Compromisso Social published by Atena Editora. 2021.
- Introduction to R Course (in Portuguese). Online. April, 2023.
- I conducted a comprehensive Introduction to R course for researchers in the healthcare field, consisting of seven lectures under the umbrella of the AlliaNCE (Artificial Intelligence in Neuroscience) research group at UFRGS. The course covered essential concepts related to data manipulation and analysis using the open-source programming language R. The curriculum included lectures, practical exercises, and weekly labs for hands-on application of learned concepts. The course website provided additional resources, such as recommended materials, FAQs, lecture slides, codes, and class recordings. Homework assignments with corresponding answer keys were available, and a tips section featured short videos illustrating data manipulation and analysis routines. The seven classes spanned topics from R introduction to machine learning applications, equipping participants with valuable skills for data-driven research in healthcare.
- Epidemiology and Phenomenology of Bipolar Disorder (in Portuguese). Criciúma, SC. September 15, 2023.
- The lecture was given on September 15, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. at the XXI Symposium on Psychiatry at the Brain and Mind Interface, which took place at the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC) in Criciúma (SC). The lecture covered topics related to the epidemiology and phenomenology of bipolar disorder. The central theme of the event was “Bipolar disorder: from biological bases to treatment”.
- What is Artificial Intelligence? (in Portuguese). Porto Alegre, RS. August 23, 2023.
- The lecture was given on August 23, 2023 at an event entitled “Open Class: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Psychiatry” organized by the League of Psychiatry and Mental Health (LIPSAM) of the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). The event took place at TECNOPUC Health Plus in Porto Alegre. The lecture covered topics such as big data, machine learning, deep learning, the beginnings of AI, as well as aspects of data science applied to psychiatry from a historical perspective. It also addressed current applications of AI in the field of mental health and how a digital clinic can be envisioned for the future.
- Dashboard on suicide rates in Brazil from 2000 to 2021. Written in Quarto and R with Shiny as backend technology. 2024.
- Built based on pre-processed data by the Plataforma de Ciência de Dados Aplicada à Saúde, affiliated to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation.
- Simple randomization tool for clinical trials. Written in Shiny and R. 2024.
- This tool provides a solution for randomizing patients in clinical trials while maintaining blinding. Additionally, it offers the option for users to download tables locally.
Best Poster Award at the ISBD 2023 Annual Conference. International Society for Bipolar Disorders. Chicago, IL. 2023.
Mitacs Globalink Research Award. Project: Machine learning and women’s mental health: using bleeding-edge methods to understand premenstrual and mood symptoms. Collaboration with McMaster University (Hamilton, ON). Mitacs. 2023.
Young Researcher Award, Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions 2022. Gramado, RS. 2022.
Third place in Best ePoster of the XIII Brazilian Congress of Cognitive Therapies, Brazilian Federation of Cognitive Therapies. Online. 2021.
Highlight in the area of Human Sciences at the 28th Congress of Scientific Initiation, Federal University of Rio Grande. Rio Grande, RS. 2019.
Media and press releases
Estudo de pesquisadores da UFRGS e da França identifica uma possível causa neurobiológica da depressão. Zero Hora. April 13, 2023.
Egressos do curso de Psicologia da UCPel são destaque em premiação internacional. Universidade Católica de Pelotas. June 29, 2023.
- Assistant Editor: Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry
- Reviewer: Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry
- Reviewer: Nature Scientific Reports
- Reviewer: Journal of Medical Internet Research
- Reviewer: The R Journal
- Reviewer: The Journal of Open Source Software
- Reviewer: Debates em Psiquiatria
- Reviewer: Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- Reviewer: International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Alan Cristian Rodrigues Jorge, Bruno Braga Montezano, and Kyara Rodrigues de Aguiar contributed equally to the manuscript and are jointly first authors.↩︎