The purpose of the CFPr package is to provide tables contained on the Brazilian Federal Psychology Council website within the R environment with ease in a clean and nice format.


You can install the current version of CFPr with:



You can choose between three tables

Let’s suppose I want to check the number of psychologists of each gender in brazilian states. In this case, I should use the tabela_sexo function:

# Load the package
# Assign data to an R object and then print it
bysex_table <- tabela_sexo()
#> # A tibble: 29 × 4
#>    estado           feminino masculino nao_informado
#>    <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1 Acre                  891       166            73
#>  2 Alagoas              4290       727            24
#>  3 Amapá                 805       160           170
#>  4 Amazonas             4516       834           197
#>  5 Bahia               16874      2673           246
#>  6 Ceará                8651      1596          2121
#>  7 Distrito Federal    11070      1940           340
#>  8 Espírito Santo       6373      1222            69
#>  9 Goiás               10155      1294           199
#> 10 Maranhão             3513       643            31
#> # … with 19 more rows

To Do

  • Plotting functions. Is it necessary?
  • Restructure workflow to provide data (as data and not function-based). Is it better?


I’d like to thank the Brazilian Federal Council of Psychology for making the data available to the population.


Feel free to leave an issue to improve the package, and contact me through this email.